Jul '19

NEW Wednesday Night Series: Abundant Life
Jul '19

Starting on July 17th, Pastor Bulgrin will launch our Wednesday night summer series for adults called, “Abundant Life.” This series continues throughout the summer every Wednesday at 7:00 pm. Expect students to be in class throughout this time. Each night, Pastor will speak on a new subtopic that teaches us how to successfully live abundantly. Yet, what does living abundantly really mean?
When people think of living abundant, each person might define it differently. We may believe it entails great family time, being financially secure, accomplishing a successful career, and so on. Although these things are a blessing to our lives, these factors alone do not equate to abundant life. When discussing this upcoming series, Pastor shared his definition of “abundant life.” He stated, “it’s important to note that a person cannot truly live abundantly unless they have a consistent, genuine relationship with Jesus. Being able to live an abundant life is a gift and the fruit of having a right relationship with God. It’s a peaceful life where you don’t wake up dreading the day, and you can go to bed satisfied.”
Pastor’s biblical definition is fundamentally simple. However, very few Christians experience an abundant life. Therefore, the Abundant Life Series gives us a better understanding of what we should be experiencing as children of God. Additionally, the series empowers us to achieve and experience the best life possible.
What to Expect
During this series, Pastor anticipates the messages to be structured in a teaching format. He encourages everyone to “bring notebooks, highlighters, and Bibles.” Every message helps us refocus on our relationships with God instead of getting caught up in snares of weights, sins, and confusion. With topics like “Spiritual Warfare,” “Biblical Disciplines,” and “Relationships,” we refresh our perspectives on Christian living. In turn, we become equipped to live more abundant in every aspect: physically, mentally, spiritually, and emotionally.
Overall, we expect this series to enrich our lives in every aspect as we live abundantly and grow individually and collectively as a church body. After service, we invite everyone to stick around. Enjoy the warm summer nights with fellowship and refreshments like sweet tea, lemonade, and cookies.