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Easter Service in the Parking Lot
As we quickly approach Easter Sunday, we recognize that this year will look very different. We won’t have big Easter dinners with friends and family, and we won’t be gathered in the sanctuary for service. However, we are excited to announce that this Easter, we will be able to gather at FAC for a one-hour parking lot service.
It has almost been a month since we’ve held service at FAC Tallmadge. Pastor Bulgrin said that he “just wanted to give the opportunity for everyone to be together.” So this Sunday, people will be able to pull into our parking lot and tune in to 89.1 FM, or live-stream, to hear the service. This will give us a sense of togetherness without breaching the social distancing orders.
Before everyone leaves the parking lot, we ask that everyone drives under the carport. Pastor and Sis. Kimberly Bulgrin will greet everyone! Additionally, any families with children, ages 3 – 11, will be able to receive an Easter treat before they leave. Under the carport, FAC staff will place the kids’ Easter treats in the trunks of vehicles. The treats include crayons, coloring pages, sidewalk chalk, candy, and more!
Parking Lot Service Guidelines
- Aside from the selected staff, all people must remain in their vehicles at all times while on the FAC premises. We know it might be tempting to get out to stretch, say hi to friends, or take a quick family photo outside the vehicle. In cases like these, individuals must leave FAC property.
- All buildings will be locked, and restrooms will not be available. If someone needs a restroom, we will provide ample space for vehicles to exit the parking lot at any time.
- All FAC staff working the grounds must wear masks at all times.
This definitely is not your traditional Easter service, and the rules might seem strict. However, we are trying our best to come together in a safe and respectful manner, and we are believing that this service will still be life changing as we celebrate the resurrection of our savior. “But He was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities; the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed.” (Isaiah 53:5) We serve a living Saviour that died for us and took stripes on his back so that we could be healed. In the uncertainty of this world, we are so blessed to celebrate a Saviour that lives and has all power over everything.
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Spreading Hope to Our Community

No matter who you talk to, it seems like the majority of conversation revolves around COVID-19. While many individuals around the world are quarantined, fear and anxiety has spread as rapidly as the virus. However, even in the face of uncertainty, there is always HOPE. Hope keeps us going. Hope gives us peace. And, Hope is contagious.
We know that our hope is anchored in God’s word. As David said in Psalms 119:114, “Thou art my hiding place and my shield: I hope in thy word.” When we put our trust in God and are reminded of all His promises, we can find rest even in the midst of the unknown and chaos. He is still in control.
When a person resists hope, “it makes the heart sick” (Proverbs 13:12), but a person who finds hope is grounded, calm, and peaceful. We are excited to begin the “Hope is Contagious” movement. This is our way of staying connected and spreading hope while we maintain social distancing. We asked the FAC family to kick off the movement by spreading hope to their communities. However, we don’t want this to be just a FAC Tallmadge thing. Let’s make it a global movement!
Instead of spreading the virus of fear, let’s seize the opportunity to spread hope. Throughout the duration of the quarantine, we will release an updated map that shows where everyone is participating in this movement. Let’s put hope on the map!
Want to join the movement? Here’s how you can spread hope:
- Spend time with your family and create artwork that displays your favorite scriptures full of God’s promises.
- Hang your artwork in a window for your neighbors and community to see.
- Post a picture of you and your family’s artwork and use the hashtag #HOPEiscontagious (remember to pin your location)
- Encourage your family and friends to participate.
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COVID-19 Update for FAC Family

Sunday Services (March 15, 22, 29, & April 5)
On March 15, 22, 29, and April 5, FAC will only have one Sunday service at 10:00am. FAC is taking extra precautions and measures to provide a safe and clean house of worship by doing the following:
- General assembly only.
- Hand sanitizer will be stationed throughout the building.
- Our staff will sanitize and disinfect all high-traffic surfaces before and after each service.
- We will march to give offering instead of passing offering plates.
To stay healthy and safe, it is a joint effort. According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, here are things we all can do to help prevent the spread of COVID-19 and other viruses:
- Wash your hands with warm water and soap for at least 20 seconds. Use an alcohol-based sanitizer if water and soap are not available.
- If you are sick or experiencing flu-like or virus symptoms, please stay home.
- Limit or avoid physical contact with others. We are a friendly church, but for now, please avoid hand-shakes, hugs, high-fives, etc. A smile and friendly wave can be just as effective.
- If you have to sneeze or cough, please cover your mouth with your arm or a tissue then sanitize your hands.
Wednesday Services (March 18, 25, & April 1)
On March 18, 25, and April 1, we have restricted our Wednesday night services to online only. We will have a video of Pastor Bulgrin’s message available every Wednesday night during this season on our website at
We know that this situation is rapidly evolving, so we will be assessing the situation continually and may change our schedule accordingly. If the above schedule changes, we will notify the FAC family as soon as possible via our website, social media, and Sunday announcements.
Rest assured, we are exhausting our efforts to provide a sanitized, safe house of worship. This new schedule is only temporary, and we hope that with prayer and cautious efforts, we all can remain healthy and at peace. Be careful, not fearful. Remember to put on the armour of God (Eph. 6) and plead the blood of Jesus (Rev. 12:11) over you and your loved ones everyday.
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Flu Prevention: Caring is not Always Sharing

Don’t Fear the Flu
FAC Takes Preventative Action
Healthy Habits & Prevention Tips
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the following habits are great ways to prevent sickness and remain healthy.
Avoid close contact
If you are sick, maintain a good distance from others to protect them from getting sick. Avoid close contact with those who are sick.
It’s important to note that you can have the virus and be contagious 24 hours before experiencing symptoms. So, if you have been in contact with a person who is sick, it is wise to maintain your distance from others even if you don’t have symptoms.
Stay home when sick
If possible, stay home when you are sick. Ideally, stay home 24 hours after your fever has disappeared without fever-reducing medicine. This will prevent the sickness from spreading which will no doubt be appreciated.
Cover your mouth and nose
If you have to sneeze or cough, make sure to cover your mouth and nose with a tissue. If you do not have a tissue on hand, cover your mouth and nose with your arm. Do not use your hands to cover. Many common respiratory illnesses are spreading by coughing, sneezing, or unclean hands.
Frequently wash your hands
The flu virus can live on hard surfaces for 24 hours. So, make sure to wash your hands with hot water and soap especially before you eat or prepare food. Lather your hands with soap for at least 20 seconds. If soap and water are not accessible, use an alcohol-based sanitizer.
Avoid touching your face
Touching your face, especially with unwashed hands, can easily expose you to germs and sickness.
Check out some immune boosting habits
We care about people’s health. By all of us using the preventative tips, we can work together to stay healthy and flu-free.
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FAC Veterans Brings Back the Flagpole

More than Just a Flagpole
Praying for Our Country
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NEW Wednesday Night Series: Abundant Life

What to Expect
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Independence Celebration Service
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Ladies Connection – A New Way to Connect

Below, check out what some of the ladies had to say about Ladies Connection!
“What an awesome night! So thankful for all that came out and braved the cold weather. It was a great time of fellowship!”
“Such a great, enriching time!!”
“It was really awesome to come together with the ladies from the church! I really enjoyed the gathering.”
“This truly was such a wonderful night. I’m so glad I came! Such a blessing.”
- “His Plan, My Purpose”
- Feb. 21 @ 7 pm
- Feb. 23 @ 10 am
- March Mentorship
- Mar. 21 @ 7 pm
- Mar. 23 @ 10 am
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New Service Time

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