COVID-19 Update for FAC Family

Sunday Services (March 15, 22, 29, & April 5)
On March 15, 22, 29, and April 5, FAC will only have one Sunday service at 10:00am. FAC is taking extra precautions and measures to provide a safe and clean house of worship by doing the following:
- General assembly only.
- Hand sanitizer will be stationed throughout the building.
- Our staff will sanitize and disinfect all high-traffic surfaces before and after each service.
- We will march to give offering instead of passing offering plates.
To stay healthy and safe, it is a joint effort. According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, here are things we all can do to help prevent the spread of COVID-19 and other viruses:
- Wash your hands with warm water and soap for at least 20 seconds. Use an alcohol-based sanitizer if water and soap are not available.
- If you are sick or experiencing flu-like or virus symptoms, please stay home.
- Limit or avoid physical contact with others. We are a friendly church, but for now, please avoid hand-shakes, hugs, high-fives, etc. A smile and friendly wave can be just as effective.
- If you have to sneeze or cough, please cover your mouth with your arm or a tissue then sanitize your hands.
Wednesday Services (March 18, 25, & April 1)
On March 18, 25, and April 1, we have restricted our Wednesday night services to online only. We will have a video of Pastor Bulgrin’s message available every Wednesday night during this season on our website at factallmadge.com.
We know that this situation is rapidly evolving, so we will be assessing the situation continually and may change our schedule accordingly. If the above schedule changes, we will notify the FAC family as soon as possible via our website, social media, and Sunday announcements.
Rest assured, we are exhausting our efforts to provide a sanitized, safe house of worship. This new schedule is only temporary, and we hope that with prayer and cautious efforts, we all can remain healthy and at peace. Be careful, not fearful. Remember to put on the armour of God (Eph. 6) and plead the blood of Jesus (Rev. 12:11) over you and your loved ones everyday.