Feb '19

Ladies Connection – A New Way to Connect
Feb '19

Here at FACTALLMADGE, we constantly look for new ways to connect with one another. We strive to be a church that knows each other, loves, and interacts as a family. These desires, which were main factors, led to our new and improved ladies connections. Each connection is designed for people to converse and build a support group all while we discuss biblical principals we can live by to enrich our lifestyles.
We started our first ladies connection in January 2019. We were elated to have so many women who love to come to these connections. So, trying to maintain a small group setting was a challenge. To solve this challenge, ladies connections are now segmented into two groups. Women under 50 years of age met on a Thursday night, and women 50 years and older met on a Saturday afternoon, and it worked so well that this structure will be applied to upcoming connections, too.
“It was so interesting to see differences in the groups!” said First Lady, Kim Bulgrin. For example, “I asked both groups about grocery pick up. Everyone in the Thursday group knew about it and most have used and loved the service. But, when I mentioned it on Saturday – blank stares.” So, even in the small things, these two groups allow women to find commonalities that make a quicker, fun connection.
Among finding commonalities, like how we grocery shop, ice breakers, group discussions, and food filled the night. Sis. Bulgrin called January’s theme “Goals and Organization” – very fitting for the first month of the year! Throughout many laughs and real talk, Sis. Bulgrin shared a plethora of organization and goal strategies she found in her research and studies. She relayed different methods purposed to help busy people get things done in a timely manner without becoming overwhelmed. That is a hard thing to do nowadays. To end the night, each woman set reasonable goals regarding their personal and their family’s spiritual, mental, and physical health. Overall, we left feeling challenged yet encouraged to be more organized and less overwhelmed in 2019.
Below, check out what some of the ladies had to say about Ladies Connection!
“What an awesome night! So thankful for all that came out and braved the cold weather. It was a great time of fellowship!”
“Such a great, enriching time!!”
“It was really awesome to come together with the ladies from the church! I really enjoyed the gathering.”
“This truly was such a wonderful night. I’m so glad I came! Such a blessing.”
Ladies Connection Dates:
- “His Plan, My Purpose”
- Feb. 21 @ 7 pm
- Feb. 23 @ 10 am
- March Mentorship
- Mar. 21 @ 7 pm
- Mar. 23 @ 10 am
Click here to let us know you’d like to come!